You know that ADD/ADHD can be challenging.
Did you know that medical research has shown that dietary supplements can help?
Inattention means a difficulty in focusing the mind. Everybody has inattention from time to time, especially when the task is less than desirable. However, in our modern world, the ability to focus long and hard on tasks is an important aspect to success in school and career.
Decreased attention and increased impulsiveness, both stemming from a difficulty in controlling one’s mind and actions (poor executive function), can lead to one making poor decisions. When inattention, impulsiveness, and/or hyperactivity is severe and life-altering, ADD/ADHD may be present.
Below are some of the complications demonstrated in research studies as being significantly increased in people with ADD/ADHD:
In October, we will host a question & answer (Q&A) round table discussion to address the content presented.
Optimal brain function is highly dependent on the presence of multiple vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that have important roles in energy metabolism, free radical protection, detoxification, neurotransmission, and many other biological processes. When these functions are not working correctly, a wide range of brain disorders can arise, including:
In recent years, scientific studies have shown deficiencies of key nutrients in people with ADD/ADHD and/or that supplementation of these nutrients can be helpful:
Studies in related conditions (e.g., autism, migraine) have shown benefit, although ADD/ADHD has not yet been tested:
The Genetic Basis of Dietary Supplementation
Topics discussed in this medical presentation include;
• What really is ADHD?
• The genetics of ADHD
• Mitochondrial dysfunction in ADHD
• Dietary supplementation as part of a holistic approach to ADHD (min 43)
Who should consider taking FocusNeeds®?
FocusNeeds® contains only natural ingredients at dosing that are considered to be safe by the US FDA and the EU.
Note that this product is not intended to treat any disease. FocusNeeds® is a dietary supplement designed to help the brain focus, and can be used with in people with or without any diagnosis.
Visit NeuroNeeds® to learn more about our products and the research that supports the use of natural ingredients in brain health.