Chromium in EnergyNeeds®

Chromium is added in order to provide a wide basis of nutrition. Side effects are unexpected.

The Details

What Is Chromium?

Chromium is a mineral that must be obtained in the diet and is required for life.

What Does Chromium Do?

Chromium is a cofactor for an enzyme called chromodulin, which improves tissue sensitivity to insulin and facilitates glucose (sugar) transport into cells.

What Does a Chromium Deficiency Appear As?

Only a trace amount of chromium is required, and deficiency does not occur outside of artificial settings, such as prolonged total parenteral nutrition (TPN) whereas chromium was absent from the solution. These individuals developed abnormal glucose utilization and increased insulin requirements that responded to chromium supplementation.

What About Chromium‘s Use in Disease? 

Chromium is sometimes recommended for a variety of different conditions, particularly those related to insulin resistance, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, and lowering “bad” (LDL) and raising “good” (HDL) cholesterol levels. Chromium is sometimes recommended in mental disorders including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and binge eating disorder. Some people try chromium for body conditioning or to improve athletic performance.

What Are the Common and/or Important Side Effects of a Chromium Deficiency?

Side effects are rare at usual doses used in supplementation.

Is There Any Laboratory Testing for a Chromium Deficiency?

Laboratory testing can reveal the presence of a deficiency or environmental toxicity of this nutrient.

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